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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)


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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by jufonuk Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:55 pm

    I bet Deadman is wondering why I am doing this seeing as I first became aware of DPD with me walking into his shop in Woolwich and spouting off about the 3DS and the upcoming games (Hopefully I wasn't one of "those" Customers Razz ), I bet he can tell from that and the Wii love I have that I am a massive Nintendo fan and hey I am but onto my Reasons (why)
    Firsty Deadman's Twitter about SSFIV not being a main system seller kinda jolted me into the realisation about the games possible short comings

    I've Been thinking this one over and: I can't justify spending £225+ on it and one game (amazon), I don't think I will be able to get many wifi games going on a train with SSFIV (doubt the community is as hardcore as Japan would be), atm no secondary 3DS titles interest me RR 3DS looks pants ,Monkey Ball looks ok, Rayman no, Splinter Cell not my cup of tea.

    Pilot wings would have been my second game but I hear it is short, again spending out more money

    AR Games are a Gimmick and fun but not the cost of the unit, 3D to me is a Gimmick and hopefully a game comes out that justifies totally it's usage (Hopefully Mario Very Happy)

    But SSFIV on single player will not suffice, I can't see me having many Vs matches on the train and if I want to play it online I can have a stable connection at my house, but I have SSFIV on the 360. I can buy an Arcade stick for less than the 3DS, Also what with financial Crisis, I don't feel I have as much Disposable income as I did before (saving up just in case) plus, hey I brought a 3DS, damn I am low on funds and not able to take my son out places when I see him (this is most important to me over everything, If I get made redunant I will be kicking myself going I could have saved that money)... I just can't be dealing with the stock shortage like the Wii, but I know Nintendo do this on purpose, I am gonna wait until my Birthday (November) pick one up then, a better selection of software to choose from and a cheaper price for the unit... (hopefully)

    I can't in good concious really justify me getting one ATM /RANT


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    Age : 36
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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Re: Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by Haify Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:51 pm

    So now your not getting one? Shocked

    I was never going to get one as of lately it seems that nintendo never have the games to back up there consoles at the start to make it worth getting. They normally come out in handfuls in the few months then die down.

    And it is quite pricey, I remember reading an post on kotaku about the resale of the 3DS in japan hasn't been that great the price is lower then retail.

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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Re: Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by jufonuk Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:29 pm

    Haify wrote:So now your not getting one? Shocked

    I know, I know, but watch amazon will drop the price again just to tease me

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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Re: Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by DeadmanXIII Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:29 am

    Good moves mate.
    The first one is following me on Twitter Cool And the second for letting go of that hype train. Yes, 3DS is cool but when your looking at over £200 to play a game you already own, on a better system, and paid less for in the 1st place things start o look a little different.

    Just look at the games I'd buy for it...

    Lylat Wars
    Metal Gear 3
    Ocarina Of Time (maybe)

    all games I ALREADY OWN in their original format, and if Mario kart and Layton meant anything that important to me I'd still own a DS.

    Which I dont...

    Cause I sold it...

    Cause I never used it.

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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Re: Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by jufonuk Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:26 pm

    Problem is, I love the DS has some great pick up and play games for journeys into work, I know the 3DS can offer the same buzz, just the price is too high at the moment so gonna hold off for now.. best part is that due to all the 3DS hype DS games are hopefully gonna drop in the future...

    also DS gonna drop in price Deadman pick one up again and get Bangai-o Spirits, Ninja Gaiden Dragon sword, Soul Bubbles and tetris ds, aww yeah

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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Re: Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by Haify Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:31 pm

    The best DS games are the adventure ones like Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk etc only reason I played my DS.

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    Age : 44
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    Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post) Empty Re: Cancelled my 3DS + SSFIV Order...(Reason why in the Post)

    Post by DeadmanXIII Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:16 pm

    Id rather play infinity blade, besides I have Phoenix wright on iphone as well!

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