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    Your First Post


    Posts : 605
    Join date : 2010-10-03
    Age : 44
    Location : DPD HQ

    Your First Post Empty Your First Post

    Post by DeadmanXIII Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:11 pm

    Ok, you've registered and now you're thinking about your first post or maybe you haven't registered and you're just trying to work out if the place is full of freaks? If its the former this bits for you, if its the later keep reading and we wish you well whatever you decide.

    For some people posting up an introduction is a doddle and for others its a gut wrenching horror. So here's our quick guide on your first post;

    Please post here first. You may have seen a topic you would like to contribute to but if you haven't said 'hi' here, everyone's at a bit of a loss to know who you are.

    Be yourself and write as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. You could mention what you're currently playing or the platforms you have or would like to get. Its up to you.

    If you're bothered about your spelling, punctuation or grammar don't be! This is a gaming forum not an English exam, that said 'txt spk' is best left for telephones.

    Don't worry about setting up your avatar or signature bar before posting, once you've introduced yourself we can help you with all that fiddly shizzle and those features update to all of your posts in any case.

    That's it you're done, what are you waiting for?

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:11 am