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    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii


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    Age : 46
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    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

    Post by jufonuk Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:21 pm

    Seriously all I can think of wanting to get is

    The Grinder (if it is still coming out)
    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus

    Wii Ware
    FAST (F-zero Clone from Shin'en)

    then after that I am done with the little console that could.. onto the Wii Successor (if it has bc then I am double set..

    it's been a hell or a ride with the Wii.. it wasn't perfect but had some unique games..

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    Age : 36
    Location : Pigsy Land

    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Re: Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

    Post by Haify Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:24 pm

    I can't see this console being that great to be honest :\

    Posts : 273
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    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Re: Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

    Post by jufonuk Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:43 pm

    Haify wrote:I can't see this console being that great to be honest :\

    hopefully it'll be something new

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    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Re: Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

    Post by DeadmanXIII Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:33 pm

    More powerful than 360/ps3. Of course if it's just used for the same old ninty games then maybe you have a point.

    Posts : 458
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    Age : 36
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    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Re: Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

    Post by Haify Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:44 pm

    If they can get some decent games from 3rd party it will be sweet but other wise it will just be the same old random Mario games with a promised Zelda game that will take ages to be released.

    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2010-10-04
    Age : 36
    Location : Pigsy Land

    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Re: Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

    Post by Haify Tue May 03, 2011 6:03 pm

    Its going to have an 8gb flash memory which is more then the Wii but I can't see why they won't use a hard drive :s if they did they could make way better wii ware games.

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    Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii Empty Re: Project Cafe is real so only a few games out there and then I am done with the Wii

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