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    Left 4 Dead 2 to get new content (left 4 dead 1 levels and more)


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    Left 4 Dead 2 to get new content (left 4 dead 1 levels and more) Empty Left 4 Dead 2 to get new content (left 4 dead 1 levels and more)

    Post by jufonuk Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:34 pm

    Valve are releasing some DLc for L4D2 bring thre campaigns to L4D2 plus another campaign called cold stream,

    Lefd 4 Dead Blog link

    Kotaku Link

    The easiest starting point for new campaigns is the three remaining Left 4 Dead 1 campaigns, so the DLC will include those. We also want something brand new and Cold Stream is the perfect fit.

    That’s the start of the DLC. We have the basic information but we don't even have a name or release date yet.

    We will hold off on the name for now.

    That leaves the release date. The answer to when the DLC will be released is simple for now, sometime after Portal 2. Why don’t we set some date in stone right now? Because the real answer to when we are going to release something is always – when it’s ready.

    No news on Price or date yet but keeping my eye on this as love L4D2 any way to extend the 360 version is fine by me ..

    Do not have a PC powerful enough to run L4D2 so 360 will do for now.

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