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    Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--)


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    Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--) Empty Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--)

    Post by jufonuk Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:20 am

    Link from Kotaku.com

    If this image showing an email circulated amongst GameStop stores is legit, then the humble Nintendo DS Lite may now be a thing of the past....
    This message says that the DS Lite has already been discontinued, and that once GameStop stores have depleted their current stock, that's it. No more DS Lites.

    Well if true then looks like nintendo are gonna concerntrate on the 3DS...not too sure how I feel about this. guess well that means Cheap DS games to buy before the system is confined to the vaults also anyone know or able to say if the same applies to game shops in the UK.

    guess when the wii 2 finally hits same goes for the Wii..Well it just means more cheap games to buy Very Happy "ohh yeah, iamma buy these games yeaaaaaaaaaaah" <--Macho man voice that one

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    Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--) Empty Re: Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--)

    Post by DeadmanXIII Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:54 am

    OF COURSE the DSlite is dead, DSi will go the same way. I'm predicting DSiXL will stay for the under 7s (who can't use 3DS) and the fans of crossword games etc.

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    Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--) Empty Re: Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--)

    Post by Haify Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:49 am

    DS lite was the best one, DSi sucked and was pointless meh.

    Posts : 273
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    Age : 46
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    Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--) Empty Re: Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--)

    Post by jufonuk Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:55 am

    Haify wrote:DS lite was the best one, DSi sucked and was pointless meh.

    only because of the reputed increase in power the DSi Supposedly had and wasn't utilised..I admit getting a Dsi and the lack of GBA compatability sucks

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    Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--) Empty Re: Say goodbye to the DS Lite (In America that is --GAMESTOP--)

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