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    DLC packs - and not having all of them


    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2010-10-04
    Location : Citadel of Souls

    DLC packs - and not having all of them Empty DLC packs - and not having all of them

    Post by Aysir Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:57 pm

    I have a quick question - hopefully someone here knows. What happens in COD or Uncharted if you're playing MP and you have one DLC pack, but not all and a map comes up in the playlist that you don't have? Does it just kick you, or does it not rotate to those maps?

    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2010-10-04
    Age : 39
    Location : London

    DLC packs - and not having all of them Empty Re: DLC packs - and not having all of them

    Post by Davekma Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:44 pm

    I'm pretty sure in CoD that if the server or game is running the new maps in the rotation and you don't have it, it won't let you join, or if you join on a map that you do have, it probably kicks you when a new one comes up.

    As for Uncharted, I'm not sure, but would probably be something similar.

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2010-10-04
    Location : Citadel of Souls

    DLC packs - and not having all of them Empty Re: DLC packs - and not having all of them

    Post by Aysir Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:46 pm

    Okay, so if you're already on a DLC playlist and you don't have all the maps - if a map you don't have gets voted, then you get kicked. Cheers.

    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2010-10-04
    Age : 36
    Location : Pigsy Land

    DLC packs - and not having all of them Empty Re: DLC packs - and not having all of them

    Post by Haify Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:11 pm

    I think the games try to keep people together, like if you have DLC you join people with the DLC and if you don't you have them you just join every one else who doesn't have them.

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