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    Dragon Age 2


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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Dragon Age 2

    Post by Aysir Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:17 pm

    Anyone else played the demo? It was an extended version of the Eurogamer one, so needless to say I liked it. Having been playing Trinity: Souls of Z'ill Oll however, has left the action feeling very weak - but hopefully the rest of the gameplay can cover for it.
    My only other gripe was the size of the chins on some of the women - the bandana pirate lady in particular was quite unattractive. Hopefully there's no trophy to bed her!

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Davekma Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:30 pm

    I'm not too sure about it if I'm honest. Tried it on both PC and PS3, and the combat feels a bit rushed and just button mashing ,some of the animations when fighting seem a bit off, the Rogue animations are particularly odd as it just seems you're swinging your arms while your feet remain rooted to the spot at times, and a lot of the basic attacks in the demo seemed to barely cause any damage whatsoever.

    I'll probably still get it because the story should be brilliant, and I'll just hope the demo was a bit dated and improvements have been made since it was made. Shame it doesn't look like warriors can duel wield any more as well.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Aysir Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:36 pm

    I'm probably gonna go with a mage to avoid the button mashyness.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Davekma Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:40 pm

    Yeah, I'm now wondering if that may not be the best option. It seems they've tried to soften it and streamline it like they did from ME1 to ME2, but it hasn't quite had the same successful transition, possibly because of the difference in setting and combat mechanics of the 2 series.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Aysir Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:12 pm

    I think the problem is that it's easy to make a third person shooter, but getting a hack and slash game feeling right is much harder. You need the enemy to react properly to every hit. Also, just like shooters have cover to stop them being just about who can shoot faster, hack and slashers need defence or dodging to make it more about skill rather than attrition. Dragon Age doesn't quite manage this - so it's left in a half way house between being an RPG and an action game. Not too unlike Lords of Arcana.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Davekma Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:12 pm

    I think you hit the nail on the head right there. In trying to make it more easily available for more people, it's taken away some of the more traditional RPG elements the first game had (Which I personally enjoyed, but then I'm used to that kind of thing) and replaced it with something that has made it neither what it used to be, or what they were possibly trying to make it into.

    I also just tried a quick demo run with the mage, is it me or is the mage a tad overpowered? Still, at least the sister cops it if you go mage, and you don't have to hear her poor voice acting any more Laughing

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Aysir Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:55 pm

    The mage was well overpowered in DA: O. I started as warrior, but my Mage playthrough was very easy - 1 or two fireballs usually reduced all enemies to nothing very quickly.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Haify Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:07 am

    I just completed it as a Rogue, I rather enjoyed it did seem different from the first one but I need to replay that one any ways but I did have a quick go as a mage and how awesome do the spells look think I will play as a mage.

    Edit: Sweet it seems if you complete it you get a free sword and if you play Dead Space 2 you get Ser Isaac's Armor.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Davekma Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:31 am

    Aysir wrote:The mage was well overpowered in DA: O. I started as warrior, but my Mage playthrough was very easy - 1 or two fireballs usually reduced all enemies to nothing very quickly.

    Same here, on my first PC run through as a warrior, I got my face kicked in on an alarmingly frequent basis Laughing Trying a Mage run through now on PS3, finding it much easier so far.

    Haify wrote:I just completed it as a Rogue, I rather enjoyed it did seem different from the first one but I need to replay that one any ways but I did have a quick go as a mage and how awesome do the spells look think I will play as a mage.

    Edit: Sweet it seems if you complete it you get a free sword and if you play Dead Space 2 you get Ser Isaac's Armor.

    Yup, Bioware are going a bit mad with all the free DLC and stuff. In addition to those 2, if there are 1 million total demo downloads, everyone gets 2 books. Plus there's a sword and shield if you preorder the 360 or PC version at Game, PLUS if you get the signature edition, there's more free shit in there as well Laughing

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Haify Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:51 am

    Don't the PS3 get the sword and shield? I've downloaded the demo on PS3 and PC haha took me a while to figure out the PC controls been ages since I played and RPG on here.

    I originally had the Signature pre-ordered but I canceled it thinking I dowt I'll play it sad times Sad

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Davekma Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:05 am

    Well according to the advert thing we got in work this week, it only states PC and 360 as platforms you can get the shield/sword on, which kind of sucks.

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Dantelockload Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:16 pm

    Im planning on playing this tonight, i know that some people are not to keen on the new fightinh mechanics but they suit my prefered style of gameplay a lot more Smile.

    Any advice on a class to go for as a newbie ?

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    Dragon Age 2 Empty Re: Dragon Age 2

    Post by Davekma Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:42 pm

    The demo isn't that long mate, you could easily try all 3 classes in the space of an hour or so, less maybe if you skip the talking.

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