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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text


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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

    Post by jufonuk Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:12 pm

    Link to PDF

    one of the other gaming boards I visit (I know I am a game board slut) has got up in arms about a supposed hacked that can be used with PSN custom Firmware and your Credit Card Info,
    posting here because I know a lot of you have a PS3!

    Due our objective research of the SONY PlayStation Network, we decrypted nearly 100% of the traffic transferred over
    proxies, http and https to and from the PSN. Just out of curiosity, not to harm anyone or anything and not like SONY may
    want people to see it.
    As SONY calls the scene hackers "evil", we surely do not address pirates and skiddies, we wondered how SONY is treating
    the users' privacy and rights (remember the Music CD/DVD and USB stick rootkits). After we noticed a few badass functions
    they have built into the PSN/PS3 functionality, we just call it the "Call of Privacy: Modern Spyware" case.
    Below we list and explain a few of the shady PSN functions and data mining stuff. And remember: EVERYONE has a right to
    know about YOUR OWN PRIVATE data being transferred over the networks !
    Sensitive data
    Even if a connection is SSL encrypted, companies are aware of the big risk behind custom CA files and it's possibilities.
    SONY seems not to care about those known vulnerabilities. It is a big company and a HUGE network. With huge we mean a
    magnitude of hundreds and even thousands: the PSN utilizes thousands of servers, handled by a very small group of
    administrators and quality assurance people. The IP ranges and domains of these servers are retrievable by anyone, cause
    this is how the Internet works ! It is all public data and information !
    An example is the credit card information and the login authentification itself. Take a look at the traffic:
    The credit card information should ALWAYS be encrypted. In ANY case. At least the security code. SONY is only relying on
    it's https connection. With all those CFWs spreading around, this is not secure anymore.
    Same goes for the user details:
    Such sensitive data can now be captured by anyone who builds his own custom firmware with custom certificates. There
    are enough n00b-friendly tools by now. Means, little scriptkiddies can spread their little CFWs and phish user data.
    As many of these people are using a third party DNS, they are a potential victim of phishing.
    At the beginning of the PS3 launch, this user data was even transferred over http !

    Link to Neogaf board

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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty Re: ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

    Post by jufonuk Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:52 pm

    EDIT it seems if you only have CFW you are in trouble , normal firmware is safe to use

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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty Re: ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

    Post by DeadmanXIII Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:22 pm

    serves the fuckers who use CFW right!

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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty Re: ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

    Post by Davekma Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:33 am

    DeadmanXIII wrote:serves the fuckers who use CFW right!


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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty Re: ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

    Post by jjones87 Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:46 pm

    CFW? whats this mean

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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty Re: ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

    Post by Haify Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:35 pm

    jjones87 wrote:CFW? whats this mean

    Customer firmware.

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    ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text Empty Re: ***URGENT ***Have custom Firmware?? Hackers are able to transmit your credit card details via PSN into Plain text

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