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    PC or MAC ?


    Posts : 164
    Join date : 2010-10-04

    PC or MAC ? Empty PC or MAC ?

    Post by MOONHEAD2 Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:54 am

    We see it all the time but whats your opinion -
    Not just gaming but as a all rounder?

    Posts : 164
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    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by MOONHEAD2 Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:01 am

    no one ? sigh Sad

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    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by Haify Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:33 pm

    I like PC as I built mine from scratch Razz

    I've never used a MAC so I can't say much but I've heard there better for stuff like editing programs for music,videos etc.

    Posts : 164
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    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by MOONHEAD2 Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:30 pm

    Haify wrote:I like PC as I built mine from scratch Razz

    I've never used a MAC so I can't say much but I've heard there better for stuff like editing programs for music,videos etc.

    Interesting hmmm have you ever been a IT tech or did you decide to just build yourself. Not many people take that option interesting!

    I too no how to build computers except i find although its cheaper im just too lazy to do it LOL

    Posts : 458
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    Age : 36
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    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by Haify Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:40 am

    Never been an IT tech guy, I just got sick of buying PC's that sucked from PC World. I started off small like just upgrading graphics card but in the end I went for it and built from scratch haha

    I enjoyed it so made this PC which is my second one, gave my brother my first one. Good with with building from scratch you get to make it how you like.

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    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by Azrael808 Wed May 23, 2012 5:08 pm

    Stumbled onto this forum via your WP site and FB... Had to comment on this thread, having been a PC gamer for decades (literally, unfortunately)!

    It's PC all the way for me; I too build my own rigs, and take great pride in tuning the components for optimum performance.

    @Haify - WRT to Macs being "better" for music, videos, etc. I do believe that's a nasty rumour started by Mac fanbois! It may have been true a decade ago, when the software used for such tasks was primarily developed for the platform, but they're both much the same now. I recently built a gaming rig for a colleague, who also happens to do video and photo editing - his house mate bought himself a brand new iMac at around the same time. The PC I built runs rings around the iMac in terms of performance, despite the Apple being more expensive!

    Finally; I work for a company that's primarily a Mac shop and all the talk of superior stability is nonsense - I have lots of users complaining of problems with their systems; sometimes a re-install of OS X is all that's needed, but there are hardware faults too... I honestly think it's down to the users themselves; give a monkey a typewriter and he'll break that too!!! lol...

    Posts : 164
    Join date : 2010-10-04

    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by MOONHEAD2 Wed May 23, 2012 6:15 pm

    Azrael808 wrote:Stumbled onto this forum via your WP site and FB... Had to comment on this thread, having been a PC gamer for decades (literally, unfortunately)!

    It's PC all the way for me; I too build my own rigs, and take great pride in tuning the components for optimum performance.

    @Haify - WRT to Macs being "better" for music, videos, etc. I do believe that's a nasty rumour started by Mac fanbois! It may have been true a decade ago, when the software used for such tasks was primarily developed for the platform, but they're both much the same now. I recently built a gaming rig for a colleague, who also happens to do video and photo editing - his house mate bought himself a brand new iMac at around the same time. The PC I built runs rings around the iMac in terms of performance, despite the Apple being more expensive!

    Finally; I work for a company that's primarily a Mac shop and all the talk of superior stability is nonsense - I have lots of users complaining of problems with their systems; sometimes a re-install of OS X is all that's needed, but there are hardware faults too... I honestly think it's down to the users themselves; give a monkey a typewriter and he'll break that too!!! lol...

    Awesome! good to see someone posting on these forums, first of welcome to DPD and let me say although its been a year, you raise some valid points. I now have a MAC and was once a IT Technician they have there strengths and weaknesses but after owning a mac for so long i will never go back to PC. Once you go MAC you never go BACK O.o cringe lol

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2012-05-23
    Location : London

    PC or MAC ? Empty Re: PC or MAC ?

    Post by Azrael808 Wed May 23, 2012 6:30 pm

    LOL @ your "once you go Mac..." Very Happy and thanks for the warm welcome! Smile

    Funny... I used a Mac for the first time in 2005 (I think) and while I was impressed with OS X's Unix foundations, I actually went back to Linux for my primary OS... My current work machine is a MacBook Pro that triple boots OS X, Windows 7 and Fedora 14!

    However, despite the release of several games for the Mac platform, I'll remain loyal to the PC; I love building the things, something I can't do in the Apple world - it's Steve's way or the high way it would seem... I'm a bit like John Locke in that respect: "don't tell me what I can't do!!!"

    I actually find Windows 7 a nice desktop experience, and the stability has improved significantly over previous versions. However, if Valve ever get around to releasing a Linux Steam client, I will start to stray... lol.

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