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    NGP (psp2) WOW!


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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by DeadmanXIII Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:26 am

    Has anyone else seen the news about the next Sony Handheld!?

    Impressive stuff, posting from the iphone so haven't embedded videos and things but check out out Joystiq/Kotaku/DPD(?) for news.

    Uncharted, MGS4, LBP, Yakuza running on it!

    3G, two cameras, PSN trophies, touch screen, touch pad on the back, two analog sticks, looks a lot like a PSP.

    Nothing on price/dates but given that PSPGo and 3DS were/are £230 at launch and NGP being a mini PS3 I would expect the price to be in the £250 mark.


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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by Haify Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:18 pm

    Just saw a picture of it and it does look sweet nice to see they've gone back with the old look. Also nice that listened about the 2 analogue sticks.

    Android will have a big boosted from this too looks like there going after apples spot as well with this.

    Can't wait to see some gameplay trailers tho.


    Only downfall I can see is that all your old UMD games will still be pointless which is a shame but the good thing I read is this:

    Software titles will be available on a small flash memory based card designed for NGP and these cards can store add-on game content and the game save data directly on to the card.

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by DeadmanXIII Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:06 pm

    I assume that all the downloaded content will carry over. It's very intriguing, but if I want to play ps3 quality games, I'll play my (I'll bet cheaper) PS3.

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by jufonuk Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:44 pm

    TECH SPECSfrom MCV.com

    • CPU: ARM® Cortex™-A9 core (4 core)
    • GPU: SGX543MP4+
    • External Dimensions: Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection)
    • Rear touch pad: Multi touch pad (capacitive type)
    • Cameras: Front camera, Rear camera
    • Sound: Built-in stereo speakers, Built-in microphone
    • Sensors: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass
    • Location: Built-in GPS, Wi-Fi location service support
    • Keys / Switches: PS button, Power button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square), Shoulder buttons (Right/Left), Right stick, Left stick, START button, SELECT button, Volume buttons
    • Wireless communications: Mobile network connectivity (3G), IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1x1)(Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode), Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP)

    ok truefully am impressed by some of the things this can do, nice shiny gfx excellent specs etc BUT and it is a big BUT, I hope SONY don't screw up the software by tring to bring big console style games to a system that should be quick pick up and play, also if I may get a few pot shots in , way to steal from Nintendo for some of the things (touch screen and ohh the cameras) plus the touch pad on the pad Meh I dont like it seems like they threw that one in for the hell of it, design wise will be a solid piece of kit.. just can we have a way to protect the screen built into the design?

    price wise?? hmm err 280 - 320 SONY gonna try and out Apple, Apple..

    Uncharted looks amazing just wtf with the swiping touch screen to climb, the psp is a wide machine and the NGP is meant to be bigger:

    NGP (psp2) WOW! 500x_sizetime

    again sony could be doing a PSP all over again with a highly technical machine but not grasping what a portable machine should do software wise.

    this is gonna be awesome though.. can't wait to see how it pan's out for Nintendo and SONY ohh and is Apple gonna make an ipad with Buttons??

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by DeadmanXIII Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:15 pm

    Yes, NGP can do amazing things....

    But the people want Angry Birds for their handheld gaming and Uncharted for at home.

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by jufonuk Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:22 pm

    DeadmanXIII wrote:But the people want Angry Birds for their handheld gaming and Uncharted for at home.

    my point exactely, angry birds works best as a handheld style game uncarted no doubt works best a home console game, this is what sony did last time, I don't want them to do it again awoo

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by Haify Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:07 pm


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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by jufonuk Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:45 pm


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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by DeadmanXIII Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:28 pm

    jufonuk wrote:


    Unreal 3 works on iphone. This isn't big news.
    Call of duty could MAKE this system sell a million on it's own.

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by MOONHEAD2 Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:09 am

    DeadmanXIII wrote:Yes, NGP can do amazing things....

    But the people want Angry Birds for their handheld gaming and Uncharted for at home.

    whats the big deal over this angry birds they speak of LOL -
    I have a few friends who are addicted to it - Now its on PSN Rolling Eyes

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by DeadmanXIII Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:31 am

    It's a simple and addictive little puzzle game, where you catapult birds to knock down towers and kill pigs.

    You can play it for 5 mins, or hours at a time. Perfect for portable gaming.

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by Aysir Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:39 pm

    DeadmanXIII wrote:But the people want Angry Birds for their handheld gaming and Uncharted for at home.

    I think 'people' should be quantified to westerners. Japan seem clever enough to have figured out the sleep button on the PSP and DS can be used to play longer games in shorter bouts. Which is how 400hour campaigns of Monster Hunter can be played. Smile

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by jufonuk Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:48 am

    SONY/The Press (most likely the press has hyped it up)were up to there usual tricks again in regards to Hyping the power of the upcoming machine, well it was touted as powerful as a PS3 in the palm of your hands, well someone from SONY has refuted these claims...

    "Some people in the press have said 'Wow, this thing could be as powerful as a PS3.'," Coombes said. "Well, it's not going to run at 2 GHz because the battery would last five minutes... and it would probably set fire to your pants."

    Still it's a mighty nice piece of Kit

    the NGP will have a console-like architecture, using four symmetrical CPU cores. That's compared to a single core, single hardware thread for the PSP and the PlayStation 3's more complex CELL architecture. The NGP will have "a lot of memory compared to the PSP," Coombes said, but wouldn't provide specifics, only to say that its RAM is closer in size to the PS3.

    Kotaku Link

    Still I am keeping my Eye on the NGP, Never got a PS3 (too pricey at the time and have a 360 for the kind of games I want to play) so long as the price point is low (SONY make it lower than the 3DS i dares yah, £140, do it!) and it has some unique games for it I might/Will consider strongly picking on of these up in the Future (maybe a year or more after launch)

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by Haify Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:38 pm

    It seem that the prices are going to be $250 for the basic model aka no 3G model and $350 for premium model aka 3G model.

    Look likes its going to be same price as a 3DS?

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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by DeadmanXIII Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:54 pm

    Translate that to £250 - £350. I can't see it being anything less than £250.


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    NGP (psp2) WOW! Empty Re: NGP (psp2) WOW!

    Post by Aysir Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:55 pm

    The conversion won't be direct. I can see £180 and £250

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