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    Infinity Blade - iPhone


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    Join date : 2010-10-03
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    Infinity Blade - iPhone Empty Infinity Blade - iPhone

    Post by DeadmanXIII Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:41 am

    Anyone with an iPhone 3GS and especially with an iPhone 4 need to go and spend £3.49 on this right now. It's stunning! The game takes place in a mystical castle and feels a little like the Temple in Shadow of The Collosus, as you attempt to take down the God King. But you won't, not on the 1st attempt anyway. Once he has killed you the game restarts 23 years later and your son has a pop, and th cycle continues.

    It's a clever mechanic, and there are branches in the path through the castle but I'm yet to really see a difference in the game a second time round other than the enemies scale as you level up, they are still in the same positions as the 1st time through. This isn't a problem at the moment but on the 7th or 8th generation who knows.

    The battles are exciting and a little difficult to describe, so I'll find a vid to show them off, that will have the dual purpose of showing the astounding graphics. Better thannanythingbive seen on iPhone, or on PSP for that matter. He'll, I've seen worse looking 360 games!

    Posts : 458
    Join date : 2010-10-04
    Age : 36
    Location : Pigsy Land

    Infinity Blade - iPhone Empty Re: Infinity Blade - iPhone

    Post by Haify Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:46 pm

    Just picked this little app up today and had a quick go and the graphics are stunning, gameplay may seem dull a tad but it really works well.

    Will give me stuff to do on my breaks at work now Very Happy

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