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    Crytek interested in developing on the 3DS, dependant on Nintendo


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    Crytek  interested in developing on the 3DS, dependant on Nintendo Empty Crytek interested in developing on the 3DS, dependant on Nintendo

    Post by jufonuk Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:41 pm

    Crytek head honcho Cevat Yerli, has been interviewed by C&VG about crysis 2 in the interview he was also asked about the 3DS

    Wow. It doesn't get much more of an approval than that. What do you make of the 3DS? Has it affected your view of developing for Nintendo systems?

    I think the 3DS is an quite awesome piece of hardware. At E3, I got a demonstration from... it's probably better not to say, but quite a senior person at Nintendo. That demo showed me a very powerful piece of graphics hardware, as well as a very interesting user-experience.

    I think they have a very interesting platform on their hands. They have some problems here and there but they are aware and it's nothing that cannot be ironed out.

    I think the price point they're targeting is very interesting. Everything looks like a winner on that platform. I actually wouldn't be surprised if there is some high-end gaming happening on that platform because of the raw power of the hardware.

    Would you consider bringing Crysis to 3DS?

    Whether we would like to or not depends on the platform itself. My initial contact with it is just that we got to see the platform at E3, going forward it may be very well that we look into putting the Cry Engine on that platform. But again this is initially thought only - nothing has been decided. There is an opportunity with Nintendo 3DS and Crytek.

    C&VG Interview

    seems like promising interview and nice to see a company with such a high graphics engine praise the 3DS and take interest unlike,EPIC...

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