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    TNA Impact: Before the Glory (spoilers)


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    TNA Impact: Before the Glory  (spoilers) Empty TNA Impact: Before the Glory (spoilers)

    Post by DeadmanXIII Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:22 pm

    Anyone else catch this weeks Impact? It was a pretty bad show all in all.

    The Abyss/Carter thing at the start was shit.
    Orlando Jordan/Eric Young Vs Ink Inc. was shit
    The Knockout match was shit (though nice to see Mickie James)

    Flair Vs Foley was an absolute bloodbath. Not an awful match to be fair, but TNA are over doing the blood at the moment. Seemingly as a reaction to WWEs PG content TNA are going hardcore and Flair's blade job was caught on camera FFS! I want to see great matches and TNA has the BEST roster in the industry. Not Ric Flair drenched in blood after slicing himself up. pale

    The Battle Royale was a joke and a TERRIBLE one at that! When Impact finished there were still 12 or so guys in the ring fighting. Presumably the match continued on the TNA ReAction show that follows impact in the USA but for us in the UK, we see the first half of a main event and a FUCK YOU for the second. Evil or Very Mad

    TNA is the most watched wrestling show in the UK, how long will that last if Impact runs long each week and we miss out on every main event. No

    If you are looking to get into TNA, this weeks Impact was NOT the place to jump on. Bound For Glory (15/10/10 in the UK) will hopefully be a much better starting point.

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2010-10-04

    TNA Impact: Before the Glory  (spoilers) Empty Re: TNA Impact: Before the Glory (spoilers)

    Post by JD1982 Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:31 pm

    i watched bound for glory wait intill u lot have seen to comment on it

    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2010-10-03
    Age : 52
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    TNA Impact: Before the Glory  (spoilers) Empty Re: TNA Impact: Before the Glory (spoilers)

    Post by serenity Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:41 pm

    Deadman please tell me your joking it was one of the best impacts I've seen for ages!!!

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    TNA Impact: Before the Glory  (spoilers) Empty Re: TNA Impact: Before the Glory (spoilers)

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